Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year!

It is a new year, full of promise for new goals to be accomplished. I have been having the desire to do something new, that I felt really connected to. I have been open to things that have come my way, never really finding a good fit.

Then this Christmas I was given a gift that was two great things in one! A great way to remove the deep wrinkles on my forehead. A wrinkle iron for my face, I love it! I have been wanting to do something to get rid of the wrinkles. I didn't want to do botox or any needles. I have had enough bad experience with beauty that comes from a plastic surgeon.

I am amazed by the results that come so quickly from the Galvanic spa. With one (10min.) treatment, a facial at home, you will see results. I can see why so many are likening this little machine to the ipod.Just as the ipod revolutionized how you listen to music, the Galvanic Spa is revolutionizing anti-aging. It is a great invention for those wanting healthy, clean, young looking skin. You will have smooth skin in minutes. It really makes cleansing skin so simple and easy.

I also like that it makes all of your own skin care products work 10 times better. Who says that you can't have it all? Beauty and the spa all rolled into one! It is nice to have it pay for itself after a few spa treatments, compared to what I would pay for at the spa.

It is great that you can achieve the look of natural beauty.

I have had fun the past two weeks giving half facials to some of my girlfriends. I do half so they can see the difference between the two sides. It has been hilarious to see their reactions. They see the pictures of people having a facial treatments, see the before and after, hard to believe results. But when they have a great tightening of the skin themselves, they believe!

I am having a great time with the Galvanic Spa. So much fun that I want to make a business out of it.
Beauty, riches, and helping others! What could be better ?

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